Quote by angelica catalini
Quote by angelica catalini

quote by angelica catalini

“He composed his first works in Warsaw – Children's Polonaises written at the age of seven,” he said. Piano soloist and music instructor Jakub Tuszyński told TFN that his time in Warsaw “was crucial for the development of his personality, as well as his individual style of composing, which is still recognisable in every corner of the world.” The Belvedere Palace, which was in Chopin’s day the seat of Russian power. When he left his home city in 1830 aged just 20 and never to return, he was already a fully formed virtuoso. Fryderyk would often be seen on Krakowskie Przedmieście or Miodowa Street rushing to an English lesson, meeting with pals in a favourite cafe or rifling through the racks in search of the latest sounds in a sheet music shop. It was Warsaw, then just a regional city within the Russian Empire, where the young, illness-prone boy went to school, studied music and first fell in love. Polish poet Cyprian Kamil Norwid described Fryderyk Chopin as, “A Varsovian by birth, a Pole in his heart, a citizen of the world by virtue of his talent.” He is Poland’s gift to the humanity, the Japanese venerate him and many in France even claim him as one of their own, but it was Warsaw, where the gifted pianist and composer grew up, that created the prodigious talent.

quote by angelica catalini

Although he was born outside Warsaw Chopin is a key figure in the city’s history and culture.

Quote by angelica catalini